Kung Fu Panda

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Something old: Something new...

Here is the "famous" Red Couch photo from the White Swan. I gotta tell you, I seached this hotel looking for a HUGE red couch and all I found were a BUNCH of red loveseats! Turned out that was it! They should be calling it the "Famous Red Loveseats"!! I felt cheated lol. Ok, on to the NEW!! Mikala has come such a long way when you consider how long she has been with us. She was content to just sit and play with whatever toy we put in front of her, eat whatever we put in her mouth and drink whatever we would manually pour into her mouth. She had absolutely no desire to do anything for herself and would actually get very mad when anyone would try to make her do something herself lol. Well, low and behold my little one is drinking and eating by herself!!!!!! And of sourse Mommy got pictures to prove it! Today after a small amount of fighting, Mikala actually let me show how to do some things for herself (I guess seeing me happy was more important today than yesterday lol). She actually fed herself her entire dinner WITH A SPOON! Let's hope this is a breakthrough, and that I can help her learn all about the many things I know she is capable of doing....(we will continue to work on the walking...I KNOW she can do that too!!) Signing off as one happy Mom....

1 comment:

Jeff and Madeline said...

Sounds like she is getting more comfortable at home and coming into her own. Best of luck to you all. She is a real beauty.


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