Kung Fu Panda

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Prairie Life Update from the Country Kitchen: Summer!!

Summer is in full swing here on the Prairie! The grass is green and HIGH!I am losing weight trying to keep up with it lol...nothing like a push mower in 95 degrees to help a girl get slim. We did have a riding mower, but the deck broke...and then this week the push mower started leaking gas so its looking like its going to be a while before I can get back out there to mow...Poor Glenn's fix-it list is growing and growing. I try to do what I can to fix things here and there, but there are some things I just cannot do.

The kiddos are on a "Summer School schedule". What that means is that on days when we have nothing going on (there aren't that many around here lol), they have reading time, craft time, a little math, and a themed writing to do. AMAZINGLY, the themed writing has been a huge hit. They have really enjoyed trying to out do each others stories since everyone shares what they've written at dinner. I have been doing a Bible reading before we eat and then prayers, once that is complete, we start eating and enjoying everyone's written story. It has really worked out better than I expected!

We have made a few changes out on the "animal side" of the property. The chickens and turkeys are now free-ranging along with the goats. This is to help with lawn-maintenance on the tha side and to give the birds a boost of nutrition. We are truly trying to give everyone the healthiest living possible. The kids (the goat kind), and the piglets are getting huge! It is so hard to believe that we have been here for 8 months! One thing we have really learned out here is that each and every season brings us a new challenge! In fall we learned that the spiders are HUMUNGOUS, and the love-bugs absolutely awful...in winter, its cold and windy...very, very windy....in spring the love-bugs come back and the rain is no where to be seen (the pond was completely dry!)....summer brings rain, lots and lots of rain...lots of challenges come with that...keeping feed dry...keeping animals dry...I love it here.

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