Kung Fu Panda

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good morning Fellow Bloggers!!!

I am sooo excited this morning! It is the silliest thing and a month from now check back here because I KNOW I will be regretting my excitement but I just cannot help myself this morning lol! Our Miss Mikala got out of bed by herself for the first time EVER today!!! Now some of you know she has never done this, and that my over-analyzing-Mommy-brain has thought this was due to the orphanage, lack of confidence, not feeling like this was HER home. Well that is no more and I am so glad!! She was found on the couch this morning and when she saw me she said, "Good morning Mommy, I couldn't sleep"! Oh, and that is another things....last couple of days we have noticed another language explosion, she speaks in complete sentences that are pretty complex too, things like..."Daddy needs to sleep, he was up all night, and he is tired"! She is showing more and more confidence and awareness of others, and even her physical development has exploded. Yesterday we had a park day, (will upload pictures later) it has been about 4-months since we stopped park days for the summer, and to see her interact and climb and RUN was just soooo amazing!!!

1 comment:

Jeff and Madeline said...

Awesome!!! I do understand the excitement, you may come to regret it, but revel in it while you can!
Isn't awesome to see them in a place where you haven't seen them in awhile, the growth is amazing.

We can't wait to finally meet you guys next year!


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