Kung Fu Panda

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

Sunday, January 06, 2008

An amazing day!

When we go to church I always give Mikala the choice to sit with us or go and play. Lately she has chosen to sit with me. I really think it has ended up being a great bonding tool to have her there, to hold her close and sing in her ear. She has come a long way in the last (almost) 2-yrs! She asks question all the time about God, and Jesus. I do my best to answer them so she can understand and was absolutely amazed when our pastor asked "who would like to give them self to Jesus?", Mikala raised her hand! I asked her, "Are you sure?" "Do you want to go up there and give yourself to Jesus today?" She said YES! Up she went to the front, where she recited that she believes in Jesus as her Lord and Savior! We are so proud of her!!
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RamblingMother said...

Very cool and how old is she?


Lauren and Ed said...

What a great story! She is maturing and growing up way too fast. She is so beautiful!


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