Kung Fu Panda

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."

Monday, January 17, 2011

Prairie life: News from the country kitchen

Posted by PicasaOur family has several goals since we've moved. The ultimate goal is to cut our cost of living, and to reduce our dependence on commercial goods. While we know we will never get away from consumer buying, we feel that our life has centered too much around this and not enough on what God has naturally provided us. We really want to equip our children with the ability to live with what has already been so graciously provided, to work for what they need and to spiritually know that God has and will provide all that is necessary.

We actually started about a year or so ago. We made a few little changes such as using glass pitchers and avoiding commercial products packaged and stored in plastics since plastics can leech chemicals that are harming our health. By not buying already made tea and juices, we save $$ since buying tea bags and making our tea is cheaper.

We started gardening, and are raising chickens and rabbits to help supplement grocery costs. This January I started to produce all of our bread and we are now line drying our clothes. This year we hope to stop buying dog food and to add goats and pigs to our livestock.

The last two months I have only gone to the grocery store every-other week, and am working toward shopping only once a month (which I think I may succeed at this month!!) Going shopping less will keep us from frivolous spending and teaches me to use what we have on hand instead of looking to convenience foods for last minute meals.
 I would love to hear from others on how they save money, recycle and reuse, and live off the land!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

This sounds like a great plan and something I often daydream about . I'm really looking forward to reading more about your new lifestyle. If I baked my own bread I think I would eat it all instantly! It sounds delicious and I may look into trying this. We try to follow a vegan diet for the most part and we eat 100% organic.


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